More and more people are studying magic and are playing them to people. Some do it just for fun, to show off to their friends or play pranks on others, some also use it to teach, as an ice breaker and also to spread gospel. While magic has been developing into such a trend nowdays, not just some show for birthday party, today I'm going to interview Mr Stedy Yulius, a young and talented magician from Gading Serpong, Tanggerang.
A: Well I used a combination of classical magic and mentalism.
Q: Do you have any particular reason?
A: I love classical magic, because its simple yet magnificent, you can do many performance with just a deck of card and for the mentalism I like it, because its actually more about our awareness to our surrounding that we can turn a simple ordinary thing into something mysterious and turn it into something extraordinary! That's the beauty of mentalism.
Q: How do you find magic interesting?
A: Magic is interesting, because not everyone can do it. I mean you know the less people know about it the more interesting it appears, simple laws of scarcity.

Q: Are there any role model or magician that inspires you to become one?
A: Yes, indeed I'm impressed by Criss Angel. Even he's a foreign magician, he always appears entertaining, while most of the magicians always wear black robes, he has his own wild style.

Q: Okay that was about a foreign magician, what about the local magician in Indonesia?
A: The local magician in Indonesia are quiet good, but they we're still behind the foreign magician.
Q: So you think we're still behind and what exactly makes you think so?
A: I think the magicians in Indonesia are lacking of variation, I mean many of them are actually doing the same performance over and over again by simply changing somethings. Some of them are even copied from foreign magicians. However I do admit that there are some local magicians that are pretty good, such as Denny Darko. Darko is simple, but he's very entertaining, he have his own way of speaking and it could amazingly makes people confortable lsitening to him.
Q:While we're speaking here, there are still people arguing whether magic is good or bad, what do you think about it?
A: Personally I think everything has good and bad side, so to be fair I'll talk about the positive and negative side of magic. The positive side is the it trains our communication skill, like the way we interact with others, increase our awareness of surrounding and also raise our creativity, I mean you gotta be creative on trying and finding new ways and games. On the other hand I some people especially parents are still thinking in a such an old fashioned and sceptical way and think that some dark forces are occuring while we're doing magic. Then for some people, who loves magic, magic can be addiction, you just never know when to stop.
Q: Are there any rules tha you follow as magician?
A: Basically there are some principles i hold on, for instance I won't reveal my tricks, because its such a big mistake to do so. I would even call it a sin, if I have to. Even though there are also magicians, who reveal tricks. So as long as someone didn't know, then I won't say a thing about it.

Q: Tell me, are magic performances dangerous?
A: I would say that it depends on whay you're playing, because some are very safe like playing with cards, while others are extremely dangerous. Some games like escapology performances require not only preparation, but also anticipation. I mean we never know how bad things could turn in dangerous situations like that.
Q: So Mr Stedy whats the most important thing on a magic performance? Is it the tricks or is is something else?
A: That's a tough question, but I'll say magic is 20% trick and 80% performance, so its more about how we perform it, how we talk, our style, the gestures and how we control the atmosphere. So I would say that It's Not About The Magic, but Its The Magician That Makes a Difference.
Q: Allright thank you for the interview, last but not least, any message for the audience?
A: When you do some pranks to your friend, you could simply say that it's just for fun and so it is in magic, it's just for entertainment. You just got to watch and enjoy the show.

So like Deddy Corbuzier said
"Practice doesn't Makes Perfect, but Perfect Practice Makes Perfect"